Sunday, 20 October 2013

Health & Fitness; Work it Boo!!

Hiya my loves; hope you all been having a lovely weekend and all set for the week ahead. Miss you monday.
This post is something different from but I have been thinking about starting a healthy lifestyle and I thought to let you guys in so we can help each other, motivate each other and be healthy and fit.

Healthy Living goes beyond looking hot and fit; it aids your skin, growth and aura even. Foods we eat can affect our health, skin, moods, hair and much more. And we are not going to quit cold turkey, but just make conscious healthy decisions everyday. Like drinking  2L of water a day, eating fruit and veg with meals, doing some type of excercise.
My current weight is between 72-74kg (158-163 lbs) and I want to lose some weight and tone up plus have a healthy lifestyle so I can get that smooth looking young skin like Pharrel lol.

He is 40 you know!!!
Anyways I shall be posting motivation pictures, recipes (food and juicing), excercises on my Instagram and Facebook, so make sure you follow me over there!
Are you ready?

Like Britney will say, you better WERK!!
Have a lovely week 
Afeeyah xo

~ Let your Faith be bigger than your fears. ~



  1. Yay! Let's get motivated together! I'm at my heaviest right now at 145lbs and for a 5 foot 2 person that's overweight! I am trying to get back to my 120lbs body and keep it that way. :) Good luck to us!

    1. Goodluck indeed babe; don't you worry we gonna smash this xx

  2. thanks for this motivation! wishing you great luck, I just started clean eating and I love it!

  3. This is great. I recently had to switch up my lifestyle to strictly healthy lol but yh i do treat myself some times to the odd Buffet. Right now i'm working on making sure i get lots of Protein in my diet. Cod Fish is my favorite go to for protein but for everyday meals its not ideal for students because its expensive but you can always try and eat eggs as an alternative. Take out the yoke if your really being strict.

    1. yep, I love eggs; so tasty and yet really healthy. cod fish is lovely too but truely not student friendly. xo

  4. great motivational post !!!
    maybe you want to follow each other?
    let me know :)

  5. Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog sweet, sure we should definitely follow on another, Im now following you x!

    I love this motivational post, I need to start working out again, now that it's half term I have lots of time to start getting back in shape x

    Jess x

    1. Thanks Jess, following you now too, yes it's so hard but worth it xo

  6. good luck :) i love to exercise. ahah you're like me when i heard that pharrel was 40 i was chocked he seems much younger! his skin is amazing

    1. Yess he looks too good for 40. excercising makes me feel sexy AFTER not during though lol

  7. I started jogging last,,I do it twice a week. I am so resonating to the post

    1. Yes Ritah; haven't done much this week but I got the rest of the week to make up for it :)

  8. So true about the water,if there's such word as a waterholic that's definitely what i should be called.its come to the part where i don't count the number of glasses a day i just gulp,i go to bed with a glass of water by my bed side. I'm also on a goal to shed 7kg and did a post on how i intend to start here productsthatactuallydowork..cblogspotom/2013/10/my-detox-routine.html since i already do the brisk walk an hour a day (4 days a week).
    thanks for sharing these tips.

    1. Yea I love water too; so yummy. Thanks for sharing the post I shall check it out now. xo

  9. am so in for this challenge, am always willing to work out but have zero motivation. will really love to be part of this.

    1. Lol am the same; the motivation is the problem but once you get going that's it.

  10. Im baffled about Pharell he looks amazing!!!!!

  11. This is very inspiring! Time to get my nike on! xx

  12. I'm lazy! Been procrastinating about joining a gym...


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